Watercooler Mondays: Demo Day & Startup Summer

Steven Vilkas
3 min readJun 21, 2021


Hello there everyone, and happy Monday! At long last The Watercooler has made a return. I’d like to thank my readers for their patience and welcome any new ones as well.

Here’s a quick breakdown of what to expect now that we’re back in action:

  • On Mondays like this we’ll be focusing on Prepare 4 VC exclusive news. Curious about the on-demand startup oasis we’re building? Interested in finding out more about our cohorts, events, and other experiences? Tune in every Monday for the inside scoop.
  • On Wednesdays we’ll be taking a wider view into the wonderful world of startups in Boston and beyond. With a more traditional roundup style, we’ll turn our focus to the latest happenings with innovative teams, trends and developments around the ecosystem.
  • On Fridays we’ll wrap everything up with a focus on special interviews. Who are the changemakers, the trailblazers, the fearless champions of the ecosystem? You’ll have a chance to read their stories and gain an understanding on their perspectives, progress and pathways.

Ready, Set, Demo Day!

Prepare 4 VC’s Third Cohort, following several weeks of intensive training and preparation, are readying themselves to venture forward and showcase their startups for the wider entrepreneurial and innovation community.

Since we’re virtual, this enables our fearless founders to share their stories to an international audience, and they’ve been doing an excellent job at refining their pitches and adopting a mindset of adaptation, adjustment and open creativity and transparency.

Demo Day is always a lot of fun, and for anyone interested in attending feel free to click here to sign up. We’ll be making a recording as well for those who aren’t able to join us live. Here’s a breakdown of the presenters, judges and agenda:

Startup Summer

Photo Credit: Willian Justen de Vasconcellos

At this time last year, Boston’s startup community shared in the struggle and subsequent acceleration of adaptation and resilience that’s come to define the past several months.

At Prepare 4 VC, we're looking forward to what this new season has in store for us and for our partners, neighbors and networks.

While the pandemic hasn’t ended, our capacity to do our best at staying safe while remaining connected, collaborating and keeping hope alive is stronger than ever.

Startup Summer will therefore be defined by a strong sense of cautious optimism, a purpose-driven intention to provide these three valuable resources to entrepreneurs all over the globe:

Connection: To us, to one another, and to an entire world’s worth of fellow entrepreneurs, investors, mentors, advisors, product and service providers.

Content: Educational, entertaining and above all engaging.

Community: This is what the Oasis we often speak of is all about.

It is a place you may have stumbled across while navigating your way around the shifting sands of uncertainty and the parched landscape in search of answers, but once you’ve entered the gates you’ll discover so many reasons to stay.

As the Oasis continues in construction and cultivation, dispatches like this describing what we’re doing will serve as a way to keep our community as well as the entire startup ecosystem suitably informed.

Until Wednesday my friends…

