The Watercooler: Checking In, Clubhouse, and More….

Steven Vilkas
2 min readJul 16, 2021


It’s been a busy week around the Oasis, and I’m happy to take a step back and spend a few paragraphs with my favourite people filling you in and connecting the dots.

Before I do so however, I wanted to share an earlier thought tweeted out a few days back that is super important:

“If you’ve been falling behind on certain tasks, not completing the milestones fast enough, take a step back and try to see where your energy’s going rather than judging yourself too harshly.

You will get back on track, I promise.”

There will be weeks when you feel like a superhuman, and weeks when you feel like you’ve gotten into a brawl with one of them AND been hit by a truck at the same time. Now if that happens too often, the second thing I mean, maybe you need to think about how you’re using your time, energy, if you’re taking proper care of yourself…but if, as it’s been with me for instance, simply a case of being “good busy” and you miss certain aspects of the old routine…

It’s ok. Indeed, you will get back on track. Think of it this way as well:

If your attention has shifted to address and take care of emerging tasks that represent momentum and growth, don’t forget to acknowledge that…it’s not like you’re wasting time or idling away. You just need to check in, which is exactly what we’re doing here.

In my case I’ve also had to come to grips with something kind of silly but definitely worth sharing…

I’ve spent WAY too much time on Clubhouse lately. I’ll be pulling back slowly but surely, and realizing as much has been positively illuminating. Maybe a teachable moment? Maybe….let’s see.

We have had some amazing Prepare 4 VC events on there and that’ll be the case next week too, but I’m writing this to fellow ecosystem folks for a reason…

Getting caught up in this or any vortex can serve as a reality check. I’m looking for balance in order to bring my best to my loved ones, my team and the community.

Don’t beat yourself up if you got distracted this week, and take this weekend to relax, refresh and recharge. I’ll be back next week with a mystery scoop…

