Short Stories: The Songbird + “More”

Steven Vilkas
3 min readOct 3, 2020

“…I was having a really bad day when Jahaan Shah happened to send me a beautiful track he’d been working on. I heard it once, and it sent something in me to the bottom of the ocean… and to the highest peaks at the same time. I swear, it was like the words poured out of me immediately.Writing and singing this helped me heal and I hope it helps you too. This one’s a special one…”

— -Katya Krishnan (Katyayani) on the inspiration behind the More project

I remember sitting in the lobby of the Harborside Lounge one morning in March, sipping my coffee and half-watching CNN while checking in on startup world. So many places were starting to shut down and, eventually, the place where I’d first met the star of this story had to close up shop as well: District Hall.

This marked the beginning of the transition for me. I was so used to attending experiences of all kinds: networking events, concerts, mixers, so many social adventures. The energy, the pulsing vibes, and above all the connections brought unbridled joy and satisfaction. The shift to virtual was difficult, but one memory from just before the pandemic hit struck a chord with me…and still does:

The Songbird otherwise known as “Katyayani”

Music is Even Better Than Magic

Music is one of those things that will always bring people together, in community and conversation. Even today I see it being played out on social media — a refreshing oasis in contrast to so much anxiety, controversy and uncertainty.

Introvert or extrovert, gloomer or doomer, music touches us in a way that allows us to feel ourselves deeply. It’s why Katya’s work is truly wondrous. No matter where you’re at or what you’re doing, her voice will pull you in and put you where you need to be with yourself.

This was the case at District Hall’s Little Lounge concert — the first in-person encounter between us. It’s since been complemented by my jammin out to her collaboration with Janaan Shah and Anish Sood. Each track pays tribute, in a sense, to what we’re capable of when we come together to collaborate.

The beauty of More is split up for me into three segments and it’s what makes music, in general, even better than magic to me.

It’s the technical talent, Katya’s incomparable vocals, and the soulful messaging…in other words the essence of what’s being expressed. “To love and be loved is all that I’m asking for…”. It’s evergreen.

Deep beats complement the sweet synthesized layers in an audible kaleidoscope of colourful adventures. It’s enough to close my eyes and, in freeing my mind through these tunes, I’m suddenly able to do whatever: writing, coding, or connecting the dots.

Highly recommended my friends! If you’re interested in giving More a listen, check it out on Spotify.

